Iceberg replication using Cloudera Replication Manager

1. Introduction to the test environment

Source Cluster Name: pvc-baseCDP PvC Base
Cloudera Manager 7.11.3
Secured by kerberos with the same KDC Server
Target Cluster Name: Cluster 1CDP PvC Base
Cloudera Manager 7.11.3
Secured by kerberos with the same KDC Server

2. Basic Concept

  • Replication Manager is a service in Cloudera Manager. You can create replication policies in this service to replicate HDFS data/Hive tables/Iceberg tables/Ozone buckets/Ranger Policies across data centers. You can also create HDFS, HBase, or Ozone snapshot policies to take snapshots of HDFS directories, HBase tables, or Ozone buckets respectively.

  • Iceberg replication policies replicate Iceberg tables between CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.9 or higher clusters using Cloudera Manager 7.11.3 or higher versions. Iceberg replication policies can:

    • replicate metadata and catalog from the source cluster Hive Metastore (HMS) to target cluster HMS. The catalog is an HDFS file that has a list of data files and manifest files to copy from the source cluster to the target cluster. The manifest files contain the metadata for the data files.
    • replicate data files in the HDFS storage system from the source cluster to the target cluster. The Iceberg replication policy can replicate only between HDFS storage systems.
    • replicate all the snapshots from the source cluster by default. This allows you to run time travel queries on the target cluster.

3. Prerequisites

  • It is recommended that the source cluster and target cluster share the same DNS server and KDC server.

  • Ensure that the source cluster and target cluster versions are CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.9 or higher using Cloudera Manager version 7.11.3 or higher versions.

  • Enable iceberg feature flag in CORE_SETTINGS configuration on both the clusters.

  • Add the Iceberg Replication service on both the clusters.

  • Add dfs.nfs.keytab.file in core-site.xml safety valves on both the clusters. Note: iceberg replication jobs run the distcp command by the hdfs user.
      Name: dfs.nfs.keytab.file
      Value: {{CMF_CONF_DIR}}/hdfs.keytab

  • The container_executor_banned_users is set as [hdfs, yarn, mapred, bin] by default, this means that the HDFS user is banned to bring up containers. So you have to remove ${hdfs_process_user} from container_executor_banned_users in YARN service on the target cluster.

4. Creating Iceberg replication policy

  • Login to the CM of the Target Cluster, where you want to replicate the Iceberg table(s) from the Source Cluster. Add Replication Peer by navigating to Replication->select Peers->Click on Add

Note: Please tick the checkbox "Create User With Admin Role" which means to add the peer as an admin peer. This option is mandatory to create Ranger replication policies.
  • Go to the Cloudera Manager > Replication > Replication Policies page in the target cluster where the peer is set up.

  • Click Create Replication Policy > Iceberg Replication Policy. The Create Iceberg Replication Policy wizard appears.

  • Configure the following options on the General tab.

  • The options on the Resources tab can stay as default. Click Save.

  • The replication policy appears on the Replication Policies page. Because we selected Immediate in the Schedule field, the replication job starts replicating after clicking Save Policy.

  • After the replication is completed, let’s compare the number of records for table tiger_airlines.countries_kafka_iceberg on both the clusters. The results are both 252. It shows that tiger_airlines.countries_kafka_iceberg is the only table that meets the replication filter and has been successfully transferred to the target cluster.

5. High-level steps during the replication process

  • Click Actions > Show History for a replication policy on the Replication Policies page to view the Replication History page.

  • We can see the high-level steps on the All Recent Commands window.
    • Determines the tables to replicate depending on the choice you made during the Iceberg replication policy creation process.
    • Reads the table names to fetch the checkpoint for the tables from the target cluster HMS. A checkpoint is the metadata about the latest Iceberg snapshot for a table on the target cluster and is saved in an HDFS file.
    • Initiates the exportCLI command in the source cluster to generate a list of files (manifest files, data files, and delete files) to copy from the source cluster to the target cluster.
    • Copies the files from the source cluster to the target cluster using DistCp jobs which takes advantage of the transfer bandwidth of the target cluster.
    • The job copies the data files directly to the target data root directory, and it copies the metadata files to a temporary staging location where it is further processed as explained in the next step.
    • Transforms the copied manifest files to point to the correct manifest files pointers and data files on the target cluster, deletes the pre-transformed manifest files, and updates the target HMS with the latest snapshot.

  • The following graph is the low level architecture.

6. Conclusion

  • Iceberg replication policies replicate Iceberg tables between CDP Private Cloud Base 7.1.9 or higher clusters using Cloudera Manager 7.11.3 or higher versions.
  • Current limitations:
    • Iceberg replication does not support tables stored on ozone.
    • A bug exists when there are tables saved as ozone on the source & target cluster.
    • Iceberg replication from many source to a target cluster is also not supported.

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