Open SSH terminal for ECS server node and create a Kubernetes secret inside the previously provisioned ML workspace namespace, and name the secret cml-tls-secret.
In Site Administration > Security > Root CA configuration, paste the root CA certificate (chain.pem) to the workspace.
3. Set Hadoop Authentication credentials
In User Settings > Hadoop Authentication, input your principal and credentials
4. Demo1: Start a python session (disable spark)
Create a project test1 using python template
Start session without enabling spark. In this case using
Install dependent packages
Run the script
5. Demo2: Start a pyspark session (enable spark)
Create a project test2 using pyspark template
Start session with enabling spark. In this case using
Wait until CML Engine is ready
Run the script
Terminal Access is also available
6. Demo3: Run Experiments
Click Run Experiment button and choose from the previous project test1
In Experiment > 1 > Build, view the logs of building images
Experiment completed successfully
In Experiment > 1 > Overview, select model.pkl, then Add to Project.
7. Demo4: Run Models
Switch to Models module
Click New Model button and choose from the previous project test1
In Models > Predict petal width > Builds, view the logs of building images
Model deployment completed successfully
In User Settings > API Keys, Select an expiry date for the Model API Key, and click Create API keys. An API key is generated along with a Key ID. If you do not specify an expiry date, then the generated key is active for one year from the current date
In Models > Predict petal width > Overview, paste the above API Key and click Test button
8. Demo5: View lineage for a model deployment in Atlas
Ensure that lineage.yaml file exists in project test1.
Navigate to CM > Clusters > PVC-Base > Atlas > Atlas Web UI
Search for ml_model_deployment. Click the model deployment listed in the right plane.
Click the Lineage tab to see a visualization of lineage information for the particular model deployment and trace it back to the specific data that was used to train the model.