CDSW > CML Migration
1. Introduction to the test environment
CDP Runtime version | CDP PvC Base 7.1.7 SP2 |
CM version | Cloudera Manager 7.9.5 |
ECS version | CDP PvC DataServices 1.5.0 |
OS version | Centos 7.9 |
K8S version | RKE 1.21 |
Whether to enable Kerberos | Yes |
Whether to enable TLS | Yes |
Auto-TLS | Yes |
Kerberos | FreeIPA |
LDAP | FreeIPA |
DB Configuration | PostgreSQL 10.21 |
Vault | Embedded |
Docker registry | Embedded |
Install Method | Internet |
CDSW version | 1.10.3 |
2. Basic Concept
- The CDSW service is deployed on the gateway nodes of the CDP Base cluster, while the CML is deployed on the ECS cluster which is attached to the CDP Base cluster. Therefore, the migration of CDSW to CML is not equivalent. A seperate ECS cluster must be built at first and require at least 3 HA master nodes in production environment.
Cloudera recommends adding three new ECS masters for the CDSW migration project. However, customers often do not have the budget to purchase hardware, so they expect that the ECS master node can serve as the ECS worker node.
- If there are no more than 3 CDSW worker nodes, CDP Base nodes have to be repurposed for side-car CDSW migration.
- Once CDSW migration is complete, CDSW nodes can be decommissioned and added into the CDP Base Cluster as Datanodes.
- If a new worker node joins the ECS cluster later, you can enable the taint policy for the ECS master node, so that the workload can be gradually migrated from the ECS master node to the ECS worker node.
CDSW size | ECS Cluster initial size | Comment |
1 CDSW master | 1 ECS master | only for PoC |
1 CDSW master + 1 CDSW worker | 3 ECS master | Repurposing CDP Base Nodes for ECS cluster |
1 CDSW master + 2 CDSW worker | 3 ECS master | Repurposing CDP Base Nodes for ECS cluster |
1 CDSW master + 3 CDSW worker | 3 ECS master | Repurposing CDSW worker Nodes for ECS cluster |
1 CDSW master + 4 CDSW worker | 3 ECS master + 1 ECS worker | Repurposing CDSW worker Nodes for ECS cluster |
1 CDSW master + 5 CDSW worker | 3 ECS master + 2 ECS worker | Repurposing CDSW worker Nodes for ECS cluster |
- The following demonstration is the migration steps from 2 CDSW nodes to 3 ECS master nodes.
3. CDSW Migration
3.1 Repurpose CDP Base nodes for ECS Cluster
- Please decommission 3 datanodes from the CDP Base Cluster. Please see Repurposing CDP Private Cloud Base Nodes for CDP Private Cloud Data Services on ECS.
3.2 Install ECS Cluster
- The ECS Cluster consists of 3 master nodes without any other worker nodes, because the master nodes can also serve as worker nodes. Please see Installing ECS HA cluster
- Note: You have to manually cleanup the taint policy on ECS master nodes after installation.
kubectl taint nodes <ECS Master01 Hostname> kubectl taint nodes <ECS Master02 Hostname> kubectl taint nodes <ECS Master03 Hostname>
3.3 Use the CDSW to CML migration tool
- Log into CDP Private Cloud 1.5.0, and navigate to Cloudera Machine Learning > Workspaces. The system detects the presence of your legacy CDSW installation. Click Upgrade.
- Click File Upload > Choose File, go to /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf on the CDSW cluster host, and select the Kubeconfig file.
- In Migration timeout, accept the default 1440 minutes (24 hours) timeout, or if your CDSW workload is hundreds of gigabytes, increase the migration time up to 2880 minutes (2 days). Increasing the migration timeout value does not cause a delay in the migration of a small workload.
- In Workspace Name, type an arbitrary name. In Select Environment, select your CDP environment. Accept default values for other options, and click Provision Workspace.
- Execute the following script to create external nfs for CML
mkdir -p /mnt/vfs
echo "/mnt/vfs *(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_all_squash,no_subtree_check)" > /etc/exports
exportfs -rv
showmount -e
mkdir /mnt/vfs/workspace1
chown 8536:8536 /mnt/vfs/workspace1
chmod g+srwx /mnt/vfs/workspace1
yum install nfs-utils.x86_64 -y
systemctl start nfs-server.service
systemctl enable nfs-server.service
mkdir -p /mnt/nfs
mount -t nfs -o vers=4.1 /mnt/nfs
nfsstat -m|grep /mnt/nfs
Accept default values for other options, and click Provision Workspace
CML installation begins, and the CDSW to CML migration follows automatically. Status indicators show the progress of the installation and migration. During the migration, you cannot access the CDSW cluster. The migration process stops CDSW pods to prevent data corruption.
- After migration, the CDSW returns to a working state. The CML workspace is ready.
4. Conclusion
- If there are no more than 3 CDSW worker nodes, CDP Base nodes have to be repurposed for side-car CDSW migration since CDSW and ECS clusters must run side-by-side during migration.
- ECS master node can serve as worker node by disabling taint policy.
- Limitations of CDSW to CML migration in PvC 1.5.0:
- Migration to CDP Private Cloud OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) is not supported.
- Incremental Migration of projects is not supported.
- CDSW cluster version >= 1.10.0
- CML with internal NFS Storage is not recommended. Large file operations are more suitable for external NFS storage.
- The size of the disk where CML’s external nfs storage is located must not be less than the size of the disk where the directory /var/lib/cdsw of CDSW is located