CDW Quota Management Testing

1. Introduction to the test environment

CDP Runtime versionCDP PvC Base 7.1.9
CM versionCloudera Manager
ECS versionCDP PvC DataServices 1.5.4
OS versionCentos 8.4
K8S versionRKE 1.27.10
Whether to enable KerberosYes
Whether to enable TLSNo
DB ConfigurationEmbedded
Docker registryEmbedded
Install MethodInternet

2. Basic Concept

  • By enabling quota management in Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) on Private Cloud, you can assign quota-managed resource pools for environments, Data Catalogs, Virtual Warehouses, and Data Visualization instances.

3. Add new pool for Data Services

  • RPM (Resouce Pool Manager) is tracking resources across K8s clusters through resource pool objects. Resouce pool objects allow for defining a hierarchical structure for purposes of ownership and quota management.

  • Navigate to Cloudera Management Console > Resource Utilization > Quotas, and add three new pools for Data Services workloads.

    • Note: please keep advanced properties no changed.
1root.default.high48200GB ELASTICFIFOtrue  
2root.default.medium24100GB ELASTICFIFOtrue  
3root.default.low1250GB ELASTICFIFOtrue  

4. Create custom resource templates[Optional]

  • A new menu option Resource Templates has been added to the left navigation pane on the CDW web interface. The default resource templates for Hive, Impala, Database Catalog, and Data Visualization pods is listed in predefined resource templates.
  • You can configure the customized allocation of Kubernetes resources to the pods for Hive, Data Visualization, and Database Catalog in addition to Impala.
  • Due to limited lab environment resources, I add a new Limited Resources template to reduce the request resources to 1/4 of the original values.

5. Enable quota management for CDW

  • Log in to CDW as user admin. Go to Advanced Configuration and select the Enable quota management option. Click Update.
    • Note: Starting with CDP Private Cloud Data Services 1.5.4, you can enable or disable the quota management option at any time during the lifecycle of the CDW entities.

  • Activate the environment.

  • Select the resource pool root.default.low.
    • Note: If you enable the quota management feature, you must select a resource pool while activating the environment.

  • Turn back to the resource pool UI. the resource pool root.default.low has two new level 4 branches, namely root.default.low.ecscloud-8f2820fc-log-router and root.default.low.warehouse-ecscloud.

  • ecstest-c51569f2-log-router and warehouse-ecstest are the new namespaces added by the activation environment step.
    • The pool root.default.low.ecscloud-8f2820fc-log-router consumed 4 cores, 2GB memory.
    • The pool root.default.low.warehouse-ecscloudconsumed 7 cores, 18GB memory.
  • From the Yunikorn UI, the resource pool root.default.low allocated 0 CPUs and 0 Memorys.

  • All pods in warehouse-ecscloud use the default k8s scheduler. This causes Quota management to lose control of resources.
    • The default k8s scheduler take over when is true.
$ for pod in $(kubectl get pod -n warehouse-ecscloud --output=jsonpath={}); do echo $pod && kubectl describe pod $pod -n warehouse-ecscloud|grep; done

  • Create new virtual warehouse hive01. The resource pool has only one option root.default.low, indicating that it is inherited from environment.

  • Due to limited resources, hive VW was dedicated to use the Limited resource template.
    • Note: Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) provides an option to enable active-passive configuration for HiveServer2 (HS2) pods in Private Cloud for Hive and Unified Analytics. By selecting this option (available from PvC 1.5.4), two HS2 pods run simultaneouslyone active and the other inactive. When one pod terminates, the inactive pod becomes active–most likey due to a node failure, providing High Availability (HA).

  • Turn back to the resource pool UI. We can see the new resource pool root.default.low.compute-hive01.

  • compute-hive01is the namespace of hive virtual warehouse.
    • The pool root.default.low.compute-hive01 consumed 5 cores, 36GB memory.

  • The total resources of the three child pools have exceeded the parent pool root.default.low.
    • The total number of CPU is 16 > 12
    • The total number of Memory is 56 > 50
    • However, the hive VW is created successfully.
  • The root cause is that only 7 pods in hive virtual warehouse used yunikorn scheduler.
    • The default k8s scheduler take over when is true.
$ for pod in $(kubectl get pod -n compute-hive01 --output=jsonpath={}); do echo $pod && kubectl describe pod $pod -n compute-hive01|grep; done

  • From the Yunikorn UI, the resource pool root.default.low allocated 4100m CPUs and 33.1 GB Memory to 7 pods.
    • CPU: 4100m < 12K
    • Memory: 33.1 < 50
    • It is still within the limits of the resource pool.

  • Create new virtual warehouse impala01. The resource pool has only one option root.default.low, indicating that it is inherited from environment.

  • It failed with errors “creating namespace for Virtual Warehouse (cause: non-retriable error: failed to create the resource pool ‘root.default.low.impala-impala01’, because: ‘Request type: ‘CreateResourcePool’, state: ‘FAILED’, last updated: ‘2024-06-05T17:17:42.257+08:00’, finished: ‘true’, error: ‘policy violation: child quota larger than parent quota’’, request ID: ‘rp-req-7ffcb8f1-4732-4239-8661-08e2ca344a05’) Error Code : 4000”. This shows that CDW quota management take effect.

6. Conclusion

  • Enabling quota management does not mean that all new pods of CDW will use the yunikorn scheduler, which brings confusion to resource control. Pods using the default k8s scheduler can be allocated resources beyond the quota.

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