Data Catalog is a service within Cloudera Data Platform that enables you to understand, manage, secure, and govern data assets across the enterprise.
3. Prerequisites
Navigate to Cloudera Manager > Clusters > Atlas > Configuration, search conf/atlas-application.properties_role_safety_valve and enter the values for the Atlas service:
Restart the cluster according to the configuration update prompts on the CM UI.
Go to Cloudera Management Console > User Management > Users and grant PowerUser role to user admin.
Log in to Data Catalog service as user admin by clicking on the CDP homepage on your CDP console.
Navigate to Cloudera Data Catalog > Search, You can see “Setup the Profiler for ecstest-datalake”. Click Get Started.
Click Setup Profiler.
Navigate to Cloudera Data Catalog > Profilers > Configs, You can see that three built-in profilers: Cluster Sensitivity Profiler, Ranger Audit Profiler, Hive Column Profiler are enabled.